
Welcome at Flanor!

Flanor is an independent literary student association from Groningen with around 200 members from almost all fields of study. We organise lectures and interviews with different authors throughout the year. These evenings are accessible to everyone. Flanor also has various reading groups and organises other fun activities. Feel free to drop by, everyone is welcome!

Are you interested in Flanor? Fill out this form!



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Flanor's General Board Member / Algemeen Bestuurslid

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Hi everyone!   In the spirit of searching for a new candidate board, the current board would like to give you all some insight into their...

Flanor's Commissioner of Internal Relations

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Hi, are you a Flanorian who wants to do something for Flanor or do you just want to become famous (within Flanor)??? Yes? Well, have you...

Flanor's Commissioner of External Affairs

  • Bestuur

Hoi! Aangezien we op dit moment op zoek zijn naar een nieuw bestuur voor aankomend jaar heeft elk bestuurslid een blogpost geschreven over...

Being Flanor's Secretary & Vice-Chair

  • Bestuur

  Dear Flanorians,  As we’re looking for our amazing replacements, I’m here to explain what the secretary does (at least what I’m doing this...

Being Flanor's Treasurer

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Dear Flanorians,  We are looking for new board members for the upcoming academic year! Are you interested in joining the board? Are you...