Overview of Flanor's reading groups
Cult of Dionysos 2.0 Flanor's only officially condoned cult, they read books from, about, and based on world mythology. Leader: Luke
Dronken boot (Drunk Boat) Dives into the renowned history of poetry and discusses influential poems. Leader: Femke
Egel en Haas (Hedgehog and Hare) This group reads children's books, switching between Dutch-language and international texts. Leader: Merel Jacobs
Electric Sheep Reads science fiction ranging from the first works published to modern classics. Leader: Martta
Expecto Patronum Reads the Harry Potter books to discuss them together. Leader: New leader needed
Flanor Redemption Reads thriller and mystery books. We read classics and new arrivals, from Stephen King to our own Dutch Thomas Olde Heuvelt - we read everything with suspense and death in it. Leaders: Maartje and Meijke
Go Lyttle Booke Takes a keen interest in medieval literature. Leader: Juliët
LEES! (READ!) Flanor’s READing group without a topic. Every month, a democratically elected book is read. Leader: Martta
Leesbare Leeslijst The Readable Reading List reads Dutch-language books that would have been fun on your high school reading list. They read what they like, but especially try to read books by authors who will visit Flanor in the near future. Leader: Yvonne
Let's get Educated This reading group was founded in response to the Black Lives Matter movement in 2020. They aim to learn more about this movement, racism, white supremacy and related topics through books. Leader: Suzanne Frenk
Magisch Afvoerputje (The Magic Drain) Absorbs all of the tiny magical particles that are not quite part of These Adjective Nouns and Electric Sheep. All the weird books that remain, especially in the genre of magical realism, are welcome. As long as they amaze. Leader: Merel Jacobs
Midnight Dreary Reads gothic novels and other spooky stuff. Leader: Jessay
Romance Junkies Despite their name, the Romance Junkies generally read civilized romance novels. Leader: Hannah
Sappho and Achilles This group reads queer romance novels. We read books about the different sides within the lgbtqia+ community, embracing the diversity of love. Leader: Denise
Shakespeare & Co Shakespeare & Co is Flanor’s modern English literature group. We read at least one Shakespeare play a year to celebrate the bard, but we certainly don’t stop there! Whether you are interested in classics or would like to explore different genres, from Early Modern poetry to Existentialist prose - there is something for everyone. Leader: Marlinde
Shivering Spines Is the bone chilling reading group for horror literature of all kinds. The group focusses on books within the wide range of the genre from ooky-spooky to genuinely frightening. If you have a strong stomach and don't get scared easily, you'll be right at home. Leader: Zaza
Speech Bubble At Speech Bubble we share our interest for the graphic medium in literary works. We try to read a very broad spectrum of works that are described as graphic novels; from popular American works, European classics, to bizarre Asian webcomics. This group is for those interested in the unification of text and imagery. Leader: Melanie & Zaza
Stoelendans (Musical Chairs (or literally, "chair dance")) Reads A Song of Ice and Fire, the magnum opus of George R.R. Martin, on which Game of Thrones is based. Leader: Jasper
These Adjective Nouns Reads fantasy, but don’t be scared by huge multivolume works. This group focuses on the best stand alones. Leader: Kato
Young Adult Reads Young Adult. Leader: Denise
Young Veterans New Classics: Would you like to read more Classics this year? Then why not join our reading group YVNC where we will read the works of Austen, Bronte, Wilde and other renowned authors. There may also be cake. Leader: Lorrie
Active Flanor Group It’s all about staying active while balancing books, studying and life. In this group, you can find motivation, a workout or a walking buddy. It doesn’t matter if you’re a sports pro or just looking to step outside and get moving, everyone is welcome! Leader: Bram Henstra
Camera Obscura is for people who like films which are just a bit out of the ordinary / "off the beaten path". So no typical Hollywood fare, but also not (necessarily) fully arthouse or really weird. Examples include Arrietty, Adaptation, The Grand Budapest Hotel, Donnie Darko, and Black Swan.
We'll probably be doing single-film nights, with some double features. But the group is still in its infancy, so we'll see how it grows! Leader: Jan van Houten
Catharsis Cats, cats, cats. On pictures. In books. Everywhere. Leader: Juliët Wilten
Cocquerellen Are you a master chef? Would you like to be one? Do you like to have other people cook for you? Do you like coziness? There is no reason to not join this group. Leader: Tamara de Bruin
D@nk MieMZzz Memes are in fact today’s emblems. Leader: Bram Henstra
Dinsey een Leesgroep (Disney, a reading group), unlike the title suggests, only watches(and does not read) Disney movies Leader: Frank van Niejenhuis
Eigen Werk (Your own writing) Eigen Werk reads and discusses its members’ own writings. As long as you write, you’re welcome to join. Leader: Collin van Heek
EX LIBRIS Flanor In this group you can give away the books you don't need anymore. Leader: Zaza de Vries
Fields of Flanor Fields of Flanor is the reading group focused on roleplaying games. Roleplaying games are (most of the time) focused on creating a narrative by letting the players take on different roles. These roles can differ per game. The majority of roleplaying games has a number of players each take on the role of a character, while one other player, the Game Master, will manage the world the characters play in. The most well-known of these roleplaying games is Dungeons & Dragons. In short it is tabletop boardgames with improv theater, where the players take on roles and create a narrative. Leader: Marius de Vries
fLANor fLANor is a group for those with interest in videogames. Not only do we have an active chat, we also host competitive, cooperative, and casual game gatherings. You don’t have to be a gamer to join us, willing to play Mario Kart together is also enough. Leader: Bram Henstra
Flanormon Go! Talks about and plays the game Pokémon Go together. Leader: Luke Brinkhorst
Flanor Banter Is a group you can casualy chat with eachother. Leader: Bram Henstra
Flanor Goes Green Talking about sustainability, heloing each other and giving each other tips. Leesgroepleider: Merel Jacobs
Flanor Goes WIDM Is the group where members can talk about the last episodes of Wie is de Mol. leader: Bram Henstra
Flavourtext In Flavourtext we play Magic the Gathering, but we also organise drafts and the app group is a great source of news and information. No cards? No problem, there is always someone with some extra! Leader: Bauke Wielinga
Libretto: The reading group for Flanorians with an interest in classical music, whether they are experts or just enjoy it every once in a while in a quiet moment. Leader: Jasper Adriaans
Musical Group: This is the group for when you want to watch musicals! It does not matter if you are an avid watcher or completely new, we accept all lovers of musicals! Leader: Hannah Baalbergen
Must-see-um Artventures Visits museums and exhibitions together. Leaders: Frank van Niejenhuis & Lisa Witte
Nestbuilding for oddbirds Is a group for interior tips to spice up your student room. Join us if you have any ideas or if you are looking for ideas to spice up your room. Leader: Bram Henstra
Songteksten Music can have nice texts too, which is why Songteksten (Lyrics) exists. Leader: Zaza de Vries
Spelhandleiding Flanor’s board game book club: we read the rules and play the games. Meetings are organised both in advance and spontaneously by any member. Leader: Sara Meinen
Starving Artistis Makes drawings and other art. Leader: Anne Boogaard & Sanne Visser
Studieboeken Studieboeken (Textbooks) is probably the most practical reading group in Flanor, for everyone who sometimes has to study! We study together and try to give each other some motivation. We’re very active in exam time! Leader: Angela Boersma
The (Con)noisseurs go to different cons together such as Comic Con and Castlefest. Leaders: April Rispens & Denise Cramer van den Bogaart
Those kind of shows Watches the show Merlin BBC, together. Afterwards they will continue with other arthurian legends Leader: Anne Boogaard