
Being Flanor's Treasurer

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Dear Flanorians, 

We are looking for new board members for the upcoming academic year! Are you interested in joining the board? Are you interested in being Flanor’s Treasurer? Do you want to have the next year of your life described as Legendary? Well, continue reading. And do check out the other blogposts! In this blogpost I will share my personal experience about being part of the Flanor Board, and about my tasks as a Treasurer. 

One and a half year ago, I joined Flanor. I would then never imagine that I would be part of the board so soon. My friend was part of the board back then and I was just asking what she was doing. When I met with the other new board members, it was a mix of people that I already knew well, knew a bit and people I never had seen before. Now I feel like I know them all pretty well, I think we were really lucky to be in this together. We have a lot of fun organizing the activities and taking care of other stuff for the association. Next to that we eat Poffertjes and Just Dance together, and go to Comic Con in matching cosplay, and do a lot of other fun stuff. 

At the beginning of the year I started by making the Budget for this year. It looked like a big difficult task back then, but luckily the old treasure helped me out, and we got it done pretty easily together. From September on I was taking care of the bank account. I received receipts and invoices. I made a bookkeeping document with a balance sheet so I can always see how much money we still have to receive and how much money we can spent in what category. I also have a lot of other lists and calculations for specific events. The chair and I also attended some meetings together about for example the application for a subsidy, or about the things we have to arrange for the KEI-week. The collecting of contributions from members is also a part of the job. I make invoices, automatic debits and sent reminders. I think this is about what I do. 

Thank you for reading the post and if you have any questions, you can always approach or message me or one other person on the board!

Love, Jesca 


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